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Agent Shop Fee Changes

6/11/2024 7:25:12 PM

Greetings Nevarethians,

Our team has recently conducted market research regarding Agent Shop Fees to make improvements for the betterment of our community's happiness and overall satisfaction.

You might have noticed that there were 0 fees in the Agent Shop recently. We would like to inform you that this special promotional event is now over. Our team implemented this initiative to understand the Agent Shop's mechanics better and address the needs of our community more effectively.

Moving forward, we would like to announce a significant change that will balance your trading experience within the game. This will be a permanent improvement for CABAL Return of Action.


Here are the key details about this change:
Effective Date: June 11th, 2024 at 5PM PDT


  • - Agent Shop Fee Allowance: No fee for force gem sales on Agent Shop up to 100 Force Gems.
  • - Agent Shop minimum sale price: changed from 2 to 1

Sales for 101 Force Gem and above will have the following fees:

  • - Normal: 7%
  • - Target Trade: 6%
  • - Premium Benefits Trade Target: 2%:

Premium Service Benefits:

  • - Number of slots: 15
  • - Premium Benefits minimum sale Force Gem: 10
  • - Number of daily sales/purchases: unlimited


  • - Trade Without Fees: Players can avoid fees with all sales of 100 Force Gem and below.
  • - Can now sell items for a minimum price of 1 Force Gem
  • - Premium Service: Players can gain additional fee reduction by having Premium Service.


We understand that this change may be perceived as a setback, but we assure you it is for the longevity and overall health of CABAL: Return of Action. We hope that this change will ultimately make your trading experience in CABAL: Return of Action more enjoyable and rewarding. Thank you for your continued support and participation in our community.

Thank you,
The CABAL: Return of Action Team