Hat Costume Box 2
9/11/2023 10:25:11 AM
Greetings, Nevarethians!
Get ready to enhance your character's look with our brand-new Hat Costume Box, a treasure trove of head-turning fashion that allows you to express your unique style like never before. Within this carefully curated collection, you'll discover a delightful array of hat costumes, each designed to add a touch of personality to your character. From elegant to whimsical, our selection offers a hat for every mood and occasion.
This Hat Costume Box 2 will be available only from September 11 until September 22!
Hat Costume Box 2
Price: 300 Force Gems
Price x10: 2,700 Force Gems
Open for a chance to receive one of the following:
- Available for a limited time
- Must be level 10 to purchase the box
- For more information in regards to our drop rates please visit our Probability Information Guide
For more details, and to purchase, please visit the Random Box Purchase Guide
The CABAL Team